Tip #3: TAL Filter and Glitch. Ableton Tips.

Here is a new tip for ableton users.  The two plug-ins featured are freeware so i hope you guys can utilize these resources to your benefit.  In the next couple of videos, i will try to record more advanced tutorials.  Come back next week and check out tutorials.  Thanks.

Tip #2: Sidechaining and Gate in Ableton Live

A new basic tutorial this week.  This week we are using Ableton Live and utilizing its sidechain features with the compressor and the gate.  Hope it helps you guys out.

Tip#1: Creating A Patch in the Thor

This is one of my many musical tips to come.  Hope you guys learn how to create rich and lush sounding strings/pads.  Some good tips and tricks in the thor as well.

Reel Rich Refill

This is my first refill.  All patches derive from Thor and were originated in Thor.  Combined in Combinator for effects and layering.  Only patches that were not created by me were the patches that i layered with the other modules (NN-XT, Subtractor, Maelstrom); however, the majority of these patches are from the thor.

There are 6 patches per category (Bass, Keys, Pads), totaling 18 patches.

I hope you guys enjoy these patches and use them in your music.


The Mind of Richard Vol. 1

The Mind of Richard Vol. 1 is my first beat compilation.  I hope you guys enjoy the music and the artwork.  It’s  a short little tape, no song exceeds 3 minutes.  Thanks for listening.


1. Intro

2. Light Rays

3. Life is Love

4. Railroads

5. House of Robots

6. The Rise of the Sun

7. The Deconstruction of Richard

8. Outro